お洗濯の方法 ーHow to washー
お洗濯は、単独で漂白剤や蛍光塗料の入っていない【中性洗剤】をご使用下さい。天然藍は初めのうちだけ色落ちしますが、時間が経つと色落ちしにくくなります。また他の衣類に色移りすることもありません。 ※アルカリ性の石鹸は使用しないで下さい。アルカリに反応して藍が色落ちします。
For washing, please use [neutral detergent] that does not contain bleach or fluorescent paint. Natural indigo fades only at the beginning, but over time it becomes less likely to fade. In addition, the color does not transfer to other clothing.
お手入れ方法 ー Indigo dyeing careー
UV rays may cause skin to become thinner in areas exposed to the sun. Please keep it out of sunlight. If you do not use it for a long time, lye may come out and it may become dull. In that case, soak it in running water for about 15 minutes. Or soak it in collected water and take it back several times. Washing with water removes the lye and creates a beautiful, bright indigo color.
